Smart people are catching on! A new level of performance is starting in mobile phones: with LTE 100 Mbit as standard! The era in which data arrived at your smartphone in dribs and drabs is now a thing of the past. LTE now permits high-speed download and upload speeds. Now you can also quickly access internal structures, like CRM or VPN data, even externally, which makes work faster, saves time and thus also money. You can also quickly access the internet and call up full HD-resolution videos in an instant. The transmission rates remain in the green zone. FIND OUT MORE NOW. Improved speed, time, and cost advantages with mobiles and tablets etc. <LTE — that means: the mobile internet is becoming really fast now! Allow us to explain what “LTE”, the technology and “Long Term Evolution” networks are. We can show you what is now available in terms of data transfer speed – check your existing contracts and put together a tariff offer to impress you!